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Acupuncture is a time-tested treatment for a large number of conditions as well as an essential part of everyday health and wellness. From those minor irritations to the major conditions that get in the way of a positive, productive lifestyle, you can find a holistically successful solution with acupuncture care.

Many people start acupuncture treatments to solve a pressing primary issue. A common complaint may be pain or a problem that prescription drugs have not managed well. Once we begin working on the initial complaint, patients often realize that acupuncture also helps with a multitude of other issues. Treating the whole body allows all systems to function together harmoniously. This is what makes all the difference in daily outlook, performance and vitality!

Acupuncture works by placing tiny needles strategically along the body to remove blockages and allow fresh flow of your body’s own healing elements. First, the proprioceptive nerves are tripped; your body floods itself with its own painkillers and anti-inflammatories producing sometimes instantaneous pain relief. Next, vasodilation occurs; blood vessels (the body’s highway system) naturally open up, carrying in them qi (energy), blood, nutrients, hormones, and immune system and at the same time transport out toxins, lactic acid and stagnant blood. Acupuncture also passively moves the lymph and increases tissue oxidation. All these processes aid your body in healing itself.

“I went to see Laura Ponce with recurring hip pain that I've had for the last 6 years. Within minutes after my first session, the pain was gone. I have not had a flare-up since that moment.”

Shane M.

Acupuncture for Kids

Some of my favorite clients are my kiddos—and they know it! Acupuncture is very beneficial for children and they tend to respond to treatment quickly. With children, I make sure they are comfortable and open to treatment. Talking with them at their level and asking how they’re feeling assures them that they are in good hands. Parents may choose to stay in the room with their children for further comfort, and it doesn’t take long until the kids look forward to their next acupuncture session!

Find out what conditions acupuncture can help out with


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Chinese herbal formulas are effective for a wide range of applications and form one of the main therapeutic modalities of traditional Chinese medicine. It is a medical system that has evolved empirically over thousands of years with millions contributing to it’s development and systemization. Each formula is designed to treat your specific condition and diagnosis.

Thousands of hours are spent learning hundreds of single herbs and combination formulas; their flavors, what organ systems they affect, their effect on the body’s metabolic temperature, and their actions and indications. Chinese medicinal herbs have a profound effect on correcting internal issues both acute and chronic. Their applications include balancing the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine, digestive and reproductive systems. They address unhealthy body patterns which may manifest in a variety of symptoms. Chinese herbal therapies help you regain balance and strengthen your body’s resistance to disease. All herbs are quality and temperature controlled, originating from reputable sources that sell only to licensed healthcare practitioners.

  • Common cold, flu, seasonal allergies
  • Depression, anxiety, stress, insomnia
  • Joint, muscle and nerve pain, spasms
  • Women’s health, menstrual problems, infertility, menopause, post-partum issues
  • Fatigue, adrenal and thyroid health
  • Gastrointestinal issues
  • Poor memory or concentration
  • Headaches, migraines

Find out what conditions Chinese herbal medicine can help with


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Proper nutrition is a vital source of overall health and well-being. I am happy to answer nutritional questions to help determine the best food and supplement choices for your body and lifestyle. Eating well provides your body and mind with healthy fuel, reduces inflammation, improves sleep, reduces anxiety, and helps your skin glow.

I can help you combine healthy eating, Chinese herbal therapy and a proper level of exercise to reach your best weight and energy levels. Each individual is different, and suggested foods and exercises are based upon your personal constitution.

  • Balance blood sugar
  • Gain consistent daytime energy
  • Sleep more soundly at night
  • Reduce pain levels
  • Clear “brain fog”
  • Help lower cholesterol
  • Heal imbalances with specific foods according to your body’s needs

Find out what conditions nutritional therapy can help with


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The art and science of acupuncture can help reduce fine lines and sagging skin, naturally. This option is attractive to people who want an alternative to surgical facelifts or injections.

Facial rejuvenation awakens the skin for a brighter complexion tone and hydrated texture. The procedure repairs and oxygenates the skin and maximizes blood circulation. Skin looks dewy, plump and fresh! For best results, it’s suggested to have a minimum of one treatment per week for 12 weeks. Each session includes body and facial points.

  • Lift sagging brows
  • Reduce crow’s feet and lip lines
  • Clearer and more uniform color tone to skin
  • Fill in laugh lines and forehead wrinkles
  • Balance hormones which can lead to sagging skin
  • Body points used all support and guide to face

Find out what conditions facial rejuvenation can help with


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AuraTransformation™ is a one time energy treatment, broken into two sessions, which powerfully activates the influx of what is called New Time energy. An AuraTransformation™ provides a permanent and profound expansion of consciousness creating collaboration between your magnetism, ambition, intuition, and physical action.

An AuraTransformation™ is not a quick fix for life’s problems; it opens a door to the process of reclaiming your own personal power.

Although the process has a funny-sounding name, it is a serious and life-changing treatment. Many of us have weak or shredded auras and therefore lack an energetically protective barrier.

  • Become less troubled by both small and large challenges in your life
  • Open a door to the process of reclaiming your own personal power
  • Gain ease and clarity around action
  • Strengthen intuition and drive
  • Protect body/energy
  • Intensify magnetism and attraction power
  • Get in contact with all of your consciousness
  • Keep your personal energy to yourself
  • Function from a place of instant karma and free will

“Very grateful I had the AuraTransformation™ with Laura, she is the best. Afterwards, I was able to feel self-love like I never experienced in the past. My mind is calmer now without racing and negative thoughts”

Debbie P.

Find out how an AuraTransformation™ can change your life.


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I perform other medicinal services as deemed best for the patient and circumstances. Among these are cupping, gua sha, electrical stimulation, moxibustion, and supportive care following cancer treatments or surgical procedures. If you have questions about these services, feel free to ask about it at your next consultation.

  • Cupping- local suction on the skin to help pull out lactic acid, toxins, and induce circulation
  • Gua sha- light “scraping” method performed with a specialized tool to help relieve pain, reduce inflammation and increase blood flow
  • Electrical Stimulation- modality used to decrease pain and promote healing
  • Moxibustion- heat therapy in which a dried plant (mugwort) is burned to stimulate acupoints. Relieves pain, improves digestion, increases energy.

Find out what conditions my other services can help with


Acupuncture is not the first thing that comes to mind when you are suffering with vertigo. After years of getting nowhere with traditional Western medicine, I came to see Laura and her magic needles. She stopped the dizzies dead in their tracks. I can’t say we have yet made it totally disappear forever, but my bouts of vertigo have been greatly reduced (and I can now go for long periods of time free of it). When a flare-up does occur, Laura is able to end it. I have seen her for several other issues now, and I have never been disappointed. Laura always works with me to get me in, and I count her as a friend now. I highly recommend that if you find yourself with pain or any sort of malady, that you check her out. She’s great.

Randy G.

Laura is wonderful. She is very friendly and really knows what she is doing. I have felt better than I have in years after only 3 visits. I have fibromyalgia and a knee that is bone on bone and, for the first time in at least 3 years, have little to no pain. All the meds my doctor had me on never worked.

Donna G.