Hi! I’m Laura Ponce, and I’m delighted that you are here to find out more about the healing potential of acupuncture. Whether you’re here because you’re a new patient, a long time patient, or just interested in learning more about acupuncture and Eastern Medicine, you’re in the right place.
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine have been providing relief to people of all ages for thousands of years. It’s a wonderfully effective and natural way to eliminate or manage the conditions that are negatively impacting your life. When we treat the underlying cause and not just the symptoms that are nagging at you, your body will heal from the inside out, thus restoring your energy, strength, mood and immunities. Together, we can make your life a more fulfilling and enjoyable experience naturally!

Services Include

I provide my clients with a full range of treatment options all centered around traditional Chinese Medicine. Each appointment begins with a tongue and pulse diagnosis. Based on readings from the diagnosis, we will identify the area you would like focused on and set up a treatment plan based on your needs. For a full list of my most popular services, please click the button below.
Acupuncture is the process of strategically placing tiny, sterile, one-time-use needles along the body in order to stimulate the body’s innate healing response. Your nervous system relaxes and blood flow increases with all the body’s natural healing elements flooding the effected areas.
The power of Chinese herbal formulas are effective for a vast range of applications. Herbal therapies comprise one of the main therapeutic modalities of traditional Oriental medicine.
Cupping is the process of removing lactic acid, stagnant blood, toxins, and encouraging circulation through suctioning sections of skin into circular glass or plastic cups. It’s wonderful for reducing pain and inflammation.
Food is medicine. With nutritional therapy, we will tailor your diet to best fit your personal health needs. You will be advised to eat certain foods based on your body’s constitution and the medicinal qualities drawn from Chinese medicine.
Get in Touch
Let’s get acquainted in person! Call today for an appointment: 913-962-7408 in Shawnee.
If you prefer, please fill out the contact form, and I’ll get back to you promptly.